"Those who don't thank people, don't thank Allah!". This is one of the greatest social values that we -Muslims- have learned from our prophet Muhammad -PBUH-. I really feel so proud to have such a value in my believes :)
However, there's some people don't use it in a proper manner, and that annoy me so much!!!
I believe that when somebody do some favor for you "personally", you should say "thank you" to him/her. But in case that someone do something for you or for whatever, and you know that s/he do it for "the sake of Allah" then saying "thank you" would have no meaning here in this context!!
Think of it, this person isn't waiting for thanking words from you!! Instead, s/he is looking for them from Allah -Sunhanu Wa Taalaa-, Right??
All what I wanna to say is: Our prophet said "Thank people", but He didn't say "How" to do so. He left the choice to us, and for our own estimate of the situation and the personality of our fellows.
When you are to thank some fellow, think first of how to say it. You may take in account his own personality, the real purpose that made him do that favor, what motivate him most, what he loves, etc.
It maybe time consuming, but believe me, it worthy ;)
Actually Yasso, I understand every word you have written ..
It's the first time for me to think about "How" to thank others ..
But I'm totally with you , we need to do this, because really sometimes explicit thanks is worse than explicit ignorance .. :S
Aya ya R., honestly, it's inspired from u!!
I loved ur way in saying "Thank u" for us after each project we did together. u r one of those great leaders that I've enjoined working with them... bgad GAK katheeeeeeeeerannn :X:X:X
However, others are making me so ma5no2a, when they choose the easiest way to them but the hardest for me =((
bass ta3aly henaa ya hanim... "explicit thanks is worse than explicit ignorance"???!!!!!! ba2ena ne2ol 7ekamm men waraya walla eeeeeeeeeh!! /:) :-w
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