Sometimes, things became unclear.. sometimes we get confused.. don't know which way to go.. then.. at such times.. we need to reset our goals & priorities to fit our ultimate purpose & vision..
Magical sparks.. Thoughts.. Ideas.. Insights.. Few of what I'm believing in, to be shared with the void, quietly.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Photographer In Me! (2)
One more time, but with some photo editing tricks ;)
I'm still a believer that an elegant photo doesn't need any editing. However, some elegant touches wouldn't hurt :)
Enjoy :)
I'm still a believer that an elegant photo doesn't need any editing. However, some elegant touches wouldn't hurt :)
Enjoy :)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
حكايات من دفتر الوطن
# ... وبكيت... وكرهت حتى الموت لحظات الحصار، وامتهان الانسان لأنه يؤمن بشئ، أو يناصر ما يعتقد أنه الصواب، وكرهت كل محاولة لاجباره بالجوع أو القهر على أن يكون غير ما يريده لنفسه.
# ... وكنت قد توصلت إلى فرضية ليست خاطئة تماما: "ان عذاب مصر" الحقيقي، قد بدأ منذ حُصر العقل المصري في اطار المسلمات النهائية، التي لا تقبل المناقشة - وكان هدف الغزاة و الطغاة باستمرار أن يفقدوا هذا العقل قدرته على التفكير والحركة، لذلك ركزوا كل جهدهم على تحطيم حيويته، و تبديد قدراته الخارقة على الابتكار و الملاحة في البحار الصعبة. و كان اخطر ما فعلوه أن حولوا هذا العقل الى عقل يعرف جيدا علامات "التنصيص"، ويجهل علامات "الاستفهام" و "التعجب"، عقل يفتقد تدريجيا الى "الحاسة النقدية" التي تمكنه من تحطيم المحرمات التي تحول بينه وبين الثورة على واقعه و انتزاع مقدراته من أيدي الطغاة و الغزاة...

والمواجة الدموية التي حدثت في "وراق العنب" - الذي اصبح الان شارعا تدوسه السابلة - بين "سليمان الحلبي" وبين "جان باتيست كليبر" تُصور على لسان مؤرخين كثيرين باعتبارها مواجهة بين رجل متعصب مصاب بهستيريا - او هلاوس - دينية، وبين قائد عظيم من ابناء حضارة الحرية والاخاء والمساوة، جاء لينشر العلم والعمران والتقدم في الوطن العربي الجاهل والمتخلف، ولينقله من القرون الوسطى الى العصر الحديث..
تلك بعض أكاذيب المؤرخين، وهى ليست قليلة، فلا احد يعرف - على وجه التحديد - أين تكمن الحضارة فى تاريخ الجينرال "جان باتيست كليبر"، و لا احد يستطيع أن يظبط ذلك الانتماء لمقولات الثورة الفرنسية فيما فعله - هو و سيده "بونابرت" - بأهل "القاهرة" و أهل "يافا" وأهل "رشيد"، وكل الذي نضبطه، هو المدافع والبنادق والبارود و المذابحو القسوة التى لاحد لها، وحفنة من الشعارات عن الحرية و الاخاء و المساواة، اعترف "بونابرت" - بعد ذلك في مذكراته التى كتبها فى منفاه بسانت هيلانه - بأنها كانت دجلا من اعلى طراز! (*)
من كتاب: حكايات من دفتر الوطن
للكاتب: صلاح عيسى
(*) عن نفسى، لست من مؤيدى "الحل عن طريق الاغتيالات"! ولكن - حسب ما فهمت - فان الكاتب ايضا "قد" يكون من الذين لا يؤيدون سياسة الاغتيالات! و تعليقه هذا على حادث اغتيال "كليبر" انما هو انتقاد لما "ادعاه" المؤرخون عن كلا من "الحلبي" و "كليبر" و اهداف الحملة الفرنسية "النبيلة"!! ايضا، استطعت ان استشف ما اراد الكاتب ان يوصله من تحليل ضمنى لدوافع "الحلبي" لقتل "كليبر"! وكيف كان الظلم جليا للحلبي، فاتخذ من دوره موقفا. في حين تاه الكثيرون - ممن يحسبون من ذو الرأي و العلم و التقى - في حسابات ما قد يلاقونه من مواجهة الظلم بكلمة الحق!! على اي حال، هو تحليل جيد جدا كتب باسلوب اكثر من ممتع!
(*) عن نفسى، لست من مؤيدى "الحل عن طريق الاغتيالات"! ولكن - حسب ما فهمت - فان الكاتب ايضا "قد" يكون من الذين لا يؤيدون سياسة الاغتيالات! و تعليقه هذا على حادث اغتيال "كليبر" انما هو انتقاد لما "ادعاه" المؤرخون عن كلا من "الحلبي" و "كليبر" و اهداف الحملة الفرنسية "النبيلة"!! ايضا، استطعت ان استشف ما اراد الكاتب ان يوصله من تحليل ضمنى لدوافع "الحلبي" لقتل "كليبر"! وكيف كان الظلم جليا للحلبي، فاتخذ من دوره موقفا. في حين تاه الكثيرون - ممن يحسبون من ذو الرأي و العلم و التقى - في حسابات ما قد يلاقونه من مواجهة الظلم بكلمة الحق!! على اي حال، هو تحليل جيد جدا كتب باسلوب اكثر من ممتع!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Everything You Do Says Something About You
I liked this paragraph of "Designing the Obvious - A Common Sense Approach to Web and Mobile Application Design" book! So, I liked to share it here.
What you do is evidence of why you do it. Everything you do says something about you. Buying a moderately priced, used sedan says something different about you than buying a flashy red sports car. Store-brand lemonade says something different about you than gourmet, organic lemonade. A Saturday night at home with the dogs says something different than one spent at a downtown bar. People aren’t random. They are the results of their own lives. You tell your story with every move and every decision. The books on your bookshelf, the rug on your floor, the food in your refrigerator, the car in your driveway, the shirt on your back—they all say something about you, your circumstances, the way you think, what you value, what you believe. People don’t buy products. They buy their own identities. We are photographs of our own truths.
Robert Hoekman Jr., Designing the Obvious - A Common Sense Approach to Web and Mobile Application Design, Second Edition
Thursday, November 10, 2011
What the Ancients Did for Us: The Islamic World
This such a great documentary. Really loved it a lot :)
"The first What The Ancients Did For Us programme explores the Muslim contribution to the western world - in art, architecture, astronomy, medicine, science, and learning.
The early Muslims are credited with inventing distillation and could distil just about anything - from alcohol to perfume. Hygiene is very important in the Muslim world so they invented and manufactured soap - centuries before the West - and hundreds of bathhouses were built throughout Muslim cities. They understood the fundamentals of light and how we see, and gave us the camera obscura. They invented algebra and worked out the angle of the tilt of the earth. They built the first windmill, pioneered the concept of the crank rod, and designed the first ever torpedo. Muslim creativity also led to the invention of a unique instrument called the astrolabe – it could find the direction of Mecca, tell the time and, with the help of the stars, navigate you across deserts and oceans. But perhaps most important of all they pursued the cause of knowledge, translating and preserving the works of the ancients and building the world's largest libraries – their 'houses of wisdom'." (Excerpt from
"The first What The Ancients Did For Us programme explores the Muslim contribution to the western world - in art, architecture, astronomy, medicine, science, and learning.
The early Muslims are credited with inventing distillation and could distil just about anything - from alcohol to perfume. Hygiene is very important in the Muslim world so they invented and manufactured soap - centuries before the West - and hundreds of bathhouses were built throughout Muslim cities. They understood the fundamentals of light and how we see, and gave us the camera obscura. They invented algebra and worked out the angle of the tilt of the earth. They built the first windmill, pioneered the concept of the crank rod, and designed the first ever torpedo. Muslim creativity also led to the invention of a unique instrument called the astrolabe – it could find the direction of Mecca, tell the time and, with the help of the stars, navigate you across deserts and oceans. But perhaps most important of all they pursued the cause of knowledge, translating and preserving the works of the ancients and building the world's largest libraries – their 'houses of wisdom'." (Excerpt from
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Just Listen
Well, don't know why this book just flow over my head!! But I liked few quotes of it, that I'll share them here. Enjoy! :)
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken, author, Natural Capitalism.
If you want to open the lines of communication, open your own mind first.
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, "Make me feel important." - Mary Kay Ash, founder, Mary Kay Cosmatics, inc.
The most successful people are those who don't have any illusions about who they are. - Bud Bray, author, Is It Too Late To Run Away And Join The Circus?
When you're cornered and everything inside you makes you feel like baring your teeth, reach deeper into yourself, feel your fear, and bare your neck instead.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. - Louis D. Brandeis, 20th-Century Supreme Court Justice
Do the unexpected. The expected is boring. The unexpected is tuned out. - Steve Strauss, author, The Small Business Bible
Great anger is more destructive than the sword. - Indian Proverb.
Before you worry about solving someone else's problem, find out if there really is a problem.
Don't get defensive; go deeper.
When you can't get through face to face, try side by side.
Direct questions make people think you're talking at them. Let them fill in the blanks, and they'll feel you're talking with them.
the more often you say and sincerely mean "thank you", the less you need to pay your people. The more often you say and sincerely mean "I'm sorry", the quicker your people will get back to work.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. - Agatha Christie, mystery author.
Visualize yourself in the job that you want; then actively plan to get there.
Focus on "what's in it for them?"and reciprocators will sooner or later ask, "What can I do for you?". Focus on "What's in it for me?" and they'll ask themselves, "How do I get away from this person?".
During tough times, say unto yourself what those who care about you would say unto you.. and then believe it. Otherwise, you are dishonoring the love they feel for you.
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken, author, Natural Capitalism.
If you want to open the lines of communication, open your own mind first.
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, "Make me feel important." - Mary Kay Ash, founder, Mary Kay Cosmatics, inc.
The most successful people are those who don't have any illusions about who they are. - Bud Bray, author, Is It Too Late To Run Away And Join The Circus?
When you're cornered and everything inside you makes you feel like baring your teeth, reach deeper into yourself, feel your fear, and bare your neck instead.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. - Louis D. Brandeis, 20th-Century Supreme Court Justice
Do the unexpected. The expected is boring. The unexpected is tuned out. - Steve Strauss, author, The Small Business Bible
Great anger is more destructive than the sword. - Indian Proverb.
Before you worry about solving someone else's problem, find out if there really is a problem.
Don't get defensive; go deeper.
When you can't get through face to face, try side by side.
Direct questions make people think you're talking at them. Let them fill in the blanks, and they'll feel you're talking with them.
the more often you say and sincerely mean "thank you", the less you need to pay your people. The more often you say and sincerely mean "I'm sorry", the quicker your people will get back to work.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. - Agatha Christie, mystery author.
Visualize yourself in the job that you want; then actively plan to get there.
Focus on "what's in it for them?"and reciprocators will sooner or later ask, "What can I do for you?". Focus on "What's in it for me?" and they'll ask themselves, "How do I get away from this person?".
During tough times, say unto yourself what those who care about you would say unto you.. and then believe it. Otherwise, you are dishonoring the love they feel for you.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Islam: Empire of Faith - Documentary
I was looking for this movie since a while, & finally I watched it!
I liked it, the efforts put in it are unquestionable indeed! However, I have few comments:
# Gabriel -peace be upon him- revealed to prophet Muhammad -PBUH- as an angel, at their first time. Not as a human, as the film says! Appearing as an angel was intend to make Muhammad -PBUH- realize that he is facing a very huge & serious matter.
# The Quraan wasn't written by the early time at Makkah. Few Muslims did wrote few scripts of it. But, not all of it. Most people back then were illiterate! They can't read or write. But they were very good in memorizing anything.
# There was no caravan while Hijra!!! They were so scared & threaten, so they traveled in very small groups (individuals most of the time) secretly! The only one who traveled in a mid-day sunlight was Omar Ibn El-Khatab.
# Prophet Muhammad -PBUH- didn't name the city after his name! But it was named, "Al-Madeana Al-Monawara" or "The Lighted City". People, afterwords, used to refer it to the City of the Prophet, as in reference to his -PBUH- mosque there.
# Prayers were not at Prophet's house!! they were at the Prophet's mosque! And it was people who named the mosque "The Prophet's Mosque". By the mosque's wall, the prophet built houses (rooms would be the accurate word to describe them) to each one of his -PBUH- wifes.
# I don't know why on earth at every movie I've seen, so far, there's a LOT of spaces between people while they pray!!!! Can't the producers ask how Muslims pray in groups?!! Or, can't they just make use of some Muslims (who really know how to pray in groups) to act correctly in such scenes?!!
# The motive of The Battle of Bard wasn't as it sound here! .That the best who I found explaining it, was Dr. Amr Khaled, here:
# The final scene of the Prophet's -PBUH- funeral. I don't know how this could be! Faces slapping, screaming, dancing, throwing sands on the air, & drums?!! At the Prophet's funeral?!! And by the Prophet's companions?!!! That's TOTALLY an imaginary, fiction, fancy, lunatic scene! All those stuff are totally forbidden by the Islamic teaching to be done at a funeral.
# One more last note, I don't know much about the Niqab history, however, that women custom at the movie is much bridal than a Niqab!!!
Finally, well, hope you enjoy the movie, specially after what I've said about it :D
I liked it, the efforts put in it are unquestionable indeed! However, I have few comments:
# Gabriel -peace be upon him- revealed to prophet Muhammad -PBUH- as an angel, at their first time. Not as a human, as the film says! Appearing as an angel was intend to make Muhammad -PBUH- realize that he is facing a very huge & serious matter.
# The Quraan wasn't written by the early time at Makkah. Few Muslims did wrote few scripts of it. But, not all of it. Most people back then were illiterate! They can't read or write. But they were very good in memorizing anything.
# There was no caravan while Hijra!!! They were so scared & threaten, so they traveled in very small groups (individuals most of the time) secretly! The only one who traveled in a mid-day sunlight was Omar Ibn El-Khatab.
# Prophet Muhammad -PBUH- didn't name the city after his name! But it was named, "Al-Madeana Al-Monawara" or "The Lighted City". People, afterwords, used to refer it to the City of the Prophet, as in reference to his -PBUH- mosque there.
# Prayers were not at Prophet's house!! they were at the Prophet's mosque! And it was people who named the mosque "The Prophet's Mosque". By the mosque's wall, the prophet built houses (rooms would be the accurate word to describe them) to each one of his -PBUH- wifes.
# I don't know why on earth at every movie I've seen, so far, there's a LOT of spaces between people while they pray!!!! Can't the producers ask how Muslims pray in groups?!! Or, can't they just make use of some Muslims (who really know how to pray in groups) to act correctly in such scenes?!!
# The motive of The Battle of Bard wasn't as it sound here! .That the best who I found explaining it, was Dr. Amr Khaled, here:
# The final scene of the Prophet's -PBUH- funeral. I don't know how this could be! Faces slapping, screaming, dancing, throwing sands on the air, & drums?!! At the Prophet's funeral?!! And by the Prophet's companions?!!! That's TOTALLY an imaginary, fiction, fancy, lunatic scene! All those stuff are totally forbidden by the Islamic teaching to be done at a funeral.
# One more last note, I don't know much about the Niqab history, however, that women custom at the movie is much bridal than a Niqab!!!
Finally, well, hope you enjoy the movie, specially after what I've said about it :D
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Photographer In Me!
Well, I've realized recently my admiration for photographing. I think it's back to May 2011. I don't know how, or why?! But, since then, I decided to record each good momet that really worth recording..
Yesterday, I went to the Citadel for a photographing session. This is the first time to go somewhere just for taking pictures. In addition, this was my first time to visit the Citadel as well!! :)
Here's my output.. Enjoy! :)
Yesterday, I went to the Citadel for a photographing session. This is the first time to go somewhere just for taking pictures. In addition, this was my first time to visit the Citadel as well!! :)
Here's my output.. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
مصر من تاني
.. واذا كان الشئ بالشئ يذكر، فإن هجوم صلاح الدين على معاقل الحشاشين كان خطأ فادحا. فلم يكن الحشاشون فرقة بقدر ما كانوا فكرة، ولو قضي صلاح الدين على هؤلاء الحشاشين اللذين هاجمهم لظهر حشاشون كثيرون بعد ذلك. ولكن الخطوة التي فعلها صلاح الدين بعد ذلك كانت الحل الوحيد للقضاء على مشكلة الحشاشين. وهذه الخطوة هي بناء جيش قوي من أبناء مصر، مطعم بفرق عربية، وعلى رأس الجيش قادة مدربون على الحرب وقادرون عليها. وعندما بدأ زحف صلاح الدين من القاهرة أخذ وقتا طويلا، ولكنه لم يتوقف إلا في القدس، وعندما دخل القدس وصلى مع جنوده في المسجد الاقصى، كانت هذه هي بداية النهاية لدولة الحشاشين.
لقد ظهر الحشاشون في عصر الانحطاط. وعلا نجمهم في زمن الهزيمة، فاصبحت كلمتهم هي العليا في أيام الانكسار، وكانت الأسباب التي قامت فرقتهم على أساسها أن الأمة في حالة إنهيار، والنظم العربية في حالة استسلام، وإنهاء سبب الهزيمة وزوالها يؤدي إلى تحقيق النصر. ولكن ها هو الصلاح الدين يقلب الموازين، وها هو جيشه العظيم يزحف من القاهرة فيفتح القلاع، وتسقط في يده المدن، وها هم الاسرى الصليبين بالألوف مقيدون بالأغلال يتهادى موكبهم في شوارع دمشق والقاهرة، وها هي أعلام النصر ترفرف من جديد. وها هي الروح تعود إلى الأمة الميتة، والنبض يعود إلى الشارع العربي الذي كان قد تعفن، وفاحت رائحته منذ زمن بعيد.
لقد ضرب صلاح الدين الفكرة في الصميم، وانزوى الحشاشون بعدها في مناطقهم، وفقدوا بريقهم السابق، ولم يعد يهتم بهم أحد، أو يخشاهم أحد.
وتآكلت فرقة الحشاشين طوال العهد الأيوبي، فلما قامت المماليك، كان من السهل على الملك الظاهر بيبرس كسر شوكتهم والقضاء علي دولتهم وسحقهم حتى العظام. ولكن الحشاشين الذين حاربهمم بيبرس وقضى عليهم، لم يكونوا هم أنفسهم الحشاشين الذين كانوا يحتلون الساحة قبل مجئ صلاح الدين، أو بمعنى أصح قبل انتصاره.
كانوا مجموعة من الأرزقية، أشبه بأعضاء حزب الكهرباء هذه الأيام. لقد أفقدهم الانتصار أسباب دعوتهم وأسباب قوتهم، وكان وجود الصليبين في بلاد العرب، وأخذ الجزية منهم، وإذلالهم على مرأى ومسمع من حكامهمم هو السبب الذي جعل الحشاشين في أعلى مكان. أما الان، فقد انتهى أمرهم، وكان القضاء عليهم تحصيل حاصل. ونجحت أول حملة قادها الظاهر بيبرس في القضاء عليهم، ولم تنجح مئات الحملات التي شنها ضدهم حكام الأمس وإمارات ما قبل الانتصار.
وما أشبه الليلة بالبارحة، لعل السبب في انتشار الفرق المتطرفة الآن، هو هزيمة الأمة كلها على يد ثلاثة ملايين كلب يهودي استطاعوا انتزاع فلسطين وهضبة الجولان. ولذلك فأي حرب ضدهم لن تجدي مادام صلاح الدين لم يظهر بعد، وما دامت الأمة في حالة إنهيار، وبعضها يبحث عن حل وسط على موائد المفاوضات.
والأمم تأكل نفسها إذا لم تسطع أن تأكل أعدائها. وهذه الفرق المتطرفة لا تظهر إلا في زمن العجز، وفي عصور الضعف، وعندما يصاب الناس بالوهن. قيل: وما الوهن يا رسول الله؟ قال: "حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت".
إنها حالة تتكرر كثيرا، وليس من سبيل للخروج منها إلا عن طريق واحد. وإذا أردت أن تعرف الحل، فاقرأ هذه السطور من تاني!
من كتب: مصر من تاني
للكاتب: محمود السعدني
اصدار: دار الشروق
Thursday, September 22, 2011
كَثِــيرُ حَيــاةِ المَـرْءِ مِثْـلُ قَلِيلِهـا يَــزُولُ وبـاقي عَيشِـهِ مِثْـلُ ذاهب
فــرُبَّ كَــئِيبٍ لَيسَ تَنـدَى جُفونُـهُ ورُبَّ نَــدِيِّ الجَــفنِ غــيرُ كَـئِيبِ
وفـي تَعـبٍ مَـن يَحسُدُ الشَمسَ نُورَها ويَجــهَدُ أَنْ يَــأتي لَهــا بِضَـرِيبِ
وَمَن صَحِبَ الدُنيا طَويلاً تَقَلَّبَت عَلى عَينِهِ حَتّى يَرى صِدقَها كِذبا
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A Tale Of Two Friends (2)
تعريف: الصديق الي بجد هو الشخص اللي في عز اندماجك في الكلام، تلاقيه بيصورك، فتسأله بستغراب: "دا بمبناسبة ايه؟!!!" فيرد: "بمناسبة ان عينيك بتلمع قوي وانت بتتكلم". فتلاقيك بتقول لنفسك: "عمري معرفت ان عيني بتلمع قبل كدا!!!!"
Friday, August 26, 2011
Where Then Are You Going?! - Imam Zaid Shakir
Uplifting talk by Imam Zaid Shakir at RIS - Reviving the Islamic Spirit.. Take 12 min of your time and try to listen to it.. I hope you find the talk beneficial..
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Source Lyrics - Sami Yusuf
You are the Source of all power
My need in my darkest hour
My Lord
Your Face and Light all I seek
Nothing more I'd ever want or need
My Lord
Protect me from dishonour
Grant me faith to be stronger
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
(The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, the Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.)
You are the Source of all Mercy
Infinite Light for all to see
My Lord
Some claim to represent You
But everything they do is so far away from You
My Lord
Help us to know You better
Help us love one another
My Lord
كم يعاني قلبي،
لكن معي ربي
إلهي، رحمن
أنت نور الأمان
I know some doors You may close
But this is how life's story goes
You are my Guide the Source of Light
My Lord
Artist: Sami Yusuf
Published by Resonance Music
Label: ETM International
Written, composed and produced by Sami Yusuf
Monday, August 8, 2011
آيات تخاطبنا
الآية الأولى هى قول الحق سبحانه: « وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْما» (طه، 114) وهى آية تبدو كمحصلة لمجموعة من الآيات الأخرى التى تأخذ شكل نظرية مترابطة، تحملنا مسئولية البحث عن العلم والاشتغال به على النحو التالى:
وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا + وفوق كل ذى علم عليم + هل يستوى الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون + يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات = وقل ربى زدنى علما.
ولتطبيق هذه المعادلة القرآنية على أرض الواقع يأتى قول الرسول الكريم: «طلب العلم فريضة» و«لايزال المرء عالما ما طلب العلم، حتى إذا قال علمت فقد جهل».
الآية الثانية تقول: «رَبَّنَا لا تَجْعَلْنَا فِتْنَةً لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا» (الممتحنة، 5) وهو دعاء يحمل فى طياته المعنى التالى، كما قال به ابن عاشور: أى يا رب لا تجعلنا دليلا يتخذه الكافرون على صدق كفرهم وكذب إيماننا فنكون سببا فى تحول الناس عن دينك لأنهم ما عرفوه إلا لأنهم عرفونا، فبدلا من أن نكون هداة مهتدين نكون ضالين مضلين.
تذكرت هذه الآية عندما قرأت كلام الشيخ محمد الغزالى: «إن المسلمين جدار سميك بين العالمين ودينهم». أى أن المسلمين، بسوء سلوكهم يقفون حائلا بين تعرف غير المسلمين على صحيح الإسلام. تذكرت هذه الآية وأنا أجمع المادة العلمية لكتابى عن المسلمين والديمقراطية لتكون المفاجأة أن ثمانين بالمائة من المسجونين السياسيين فى العالم (أى بسبب آرائهم السياسية) مسلمون، وأن الدول العربية تحديدا مسئولة عن أكثر من خمسين بالمائة من النظم غير الديمقراطية فى العالم. فلو أراد أحد ساكنى المريخ أن يتخير دينا من ديانات الأرض بالنظر فقط إلى أحوال أتباع كل دين، فأغلب الظن أنه لن يختار الإسلام. ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا.
تذكرت هذه الآية الكريمة أثناء حوارى مع طالب دكتوراه من اليابان طلب منى أن أقرأ جزءا من رسالته فروى لى بعض ما واجهه من صعاب أثناء زيارته لبعض الدول العربية وكيف أنه خرج بانطباع سلبى عن الإسلام (وكان الأحرى أن يحصر انطباعه فى حدود العرب) بما انعكس بوضوح فى رسالته. وكان مطلوبا منى أن أقول له إن الإسلام عظيم وأغلب المسلمين لا يتصرفون بوحى منه، وأن اعتزازهم به لا يعنى التزامهم بآدابه ولكن هيهات: وكأن لسان حاله يقول إذا لم يكن الإسلام قد نفع المسلمين فى شىء فكيف ينفع الآخرين؛ فكيف يستقيم الظل والعود أعوج.
الآية الثالثة تقول: «وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِيِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ وَلَا تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُمْ تُرِيدُ زِينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا تُطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَنْ ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطا» (الكهف، 28). والآية ترسم منهجا يضعه الخالق لرسوله ولعباده من بعده بأن فرّق بين منهجين فى الحياة وفريقين يسيران على نهجهما: الأول هو منهج من جعل نفسه وحياته ومماته لله يدعوه ويذكره ويعمل له ويخشاه ليلا ونهارا لأنه يريد وجهه سبحانه ولا شىء سواه، لكن المهم ألا تذهب عيناك بعيدا عن هؤلاء لأنهم عادة قليلون ومتع الحياة الفانية غالبا ليست عندهم وإنما عند من أساء وأخطأ وتعمد الخطأ حتى أغفل الله قلبه عن ذكره واتبع هواه فأصبح أمره فرطا، وهم أصحاب المنهج الثانى. هى آية تحتاج الكثير من التأمل كى نحسن فهمها ونعمل بهديها. اللهم اجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه.
وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا + وفوق كل ذى علم عليم + هل يستوى الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون + يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات = وقل ربى زدنى علما.
ولتطبيق هذه المعادلة القرآنية على أرض الواقع يأتى قول الرسول الكريم: «طلب العلم فريضة» و«لايزال المرء عالما ما طلب العلم، حتى إذا قال علمت فقد جهل».
الآية الثانية تقول: «رَبَّنَا لا تَجْعَلْنَا فِتْنَةً لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا» (الممتحنة، 5) وهو دعاء يحمل فى طياته المعنى التالى، كما قال به ابن عاشور: أى يا رب لا تجعلنا دليلا يتخذه الكافرون على صدق كفرهم وكذب إيماننا فنكون سببا فى تحول الناس عن دينك لأنهم ما عرفوه إلا لأنهم عرفونا، فبدلا من أن نكون هداة مهتدين نكون ضالين مضلين.
تذكرت هذه الآية عندما قرأت كلام الشيخ محمد الغزالى: «إن المسلمين جدار سميك بين العالمين ودينهم». أى أن المسلمين، بسوء سلوكهم يقفون حائلا بين تعرف غير المسلمين على صحيح الإسلام. تذكرت هذه الآية وأنا أجمع المادة العلمية لكتابى عن المسلمين والديمقراطية لتكون المفاجأة أن ثمانين بالمائة من المسجونين السياسيين فى العالم (أى بسبب آرائهم السياسية) مسلمون، وأن الدول العربية تحديدا مسئولة عن أكثر من خمسين بالمائة من النظم غير الديمقراطية فى العالم. فلو أراد أحد ساكنى المريخ أن يتخير دينا من ديانات الأرض بالنظر فقط إلى أحوال أتباع كل دين، فأغلب الظن أنه لن يختار الإسلام. ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا.
تذكرت هذه الآية الكريمة أثناء حوارى مع طالب دكتوراه من اليابان طلب منى أن أقرأ جزءا من رسالته فروى لى بعض ما واجهه من صعاب أثناء زيارته لبعض الدول العربية وكيف أنه خرج بانطباع سلبى عن الإسلام (وكان الأحرى أن يحصر انطباعه فى حدود العرب) بما انعكس بوضوح فى رسالته. وكان مطلوبا منى أن أقول له إن الإسلام عظيم وأغلب المسلمين لا يتصرفون بوحى منه، وأن اعتزازهم به لا يعنى التزامهم بآدابه ولكن هيهات: وكأن لسان حاله يقول إذا لم يكن الإسلام قد نفع المسلمين فى شىء فكيف ينفع الآخرين؛ فكيف يستقيم الظل والعود أعوج.
الآية الثالثة تقول: «وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِيِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ وَلَا تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُمْ تُرِيدُ زِينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا تُطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَنْ ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطا» (الكهف، 28). والآية ترسم منهجا يضعه الخالق لرسوله ولعباده من بعده بأن فرّق بين منهجين فى الحياة وفريقين يسيران على نهجهما: الأول هو منهج من جعل نفسه وحياته ومماته لله يدعوه ويذكره ويعمل له ويخشاه ليلا ونهارا لأنه يريد وجهه سبحانه ولا شىء سواه، لكن المهم ألا تذهب عيناك بعيدا عن هؤلاء لأنهم عادة قليلون ومتع الحياة الفانية غالبا ليست عندهم وإنما عند من أساء وأخطأ وتعمد الخطأ حتى أغفل الله قلبه عن ذكره واتبع هواه فأصبح أمره فرطا، وهم أصحاب المنهج الثانى. هى آية تحتاج الكثير من التأمل كى نحسن فهمها ونعمل بهديها. اللهم اجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه.
مقالة د. معتز بالله عبد الفتاح في جريدة الشروق بتاريخ 7 اغسطس 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
يا ولـــدي - فرقة جين
قدْ أُرْمَى خَلْفَ الجُدرانِ
وتحِنُّ لِحُبِّي وحَنَانِي
فانْظُرْ في قَلْبِكَ سَتَرانِي
لَنْ يَقْوَى القَيْدُ على الفِكْر...ِ
سأضُمُّكَ والصَدْرُ جَرِيحُ
وسأعْشَقُ والقَلْبُ ذَبِيحُ
مهما عَصَفتْ ضِدِّي الريحُ
لَنْ أَحْنِيَ في يوْمٍ ظَهْرِي.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
جدد حياتك - 2
عيش في حدود يومك
من أخطاء الانسان أن ينوء في حاضره بأعباء مستقبله الطويل.
لماذا تخامرك الريبة ويخالجك القلق؟! عش في حدود يومك، فذلك أجدر بك، وأصلح لك.
والعيش في حدود اليوم يتسق مع قول الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : "من أصبح آمنا في سربه، معافى في بدنه، عنده قوت يومه، فكأنما حيزت له الدنيا بحذافيراها". إنك تملك العالم كله يوم تجمع هذه العناصر كلها في يديك فاحذر أن تحقرها.
إن الأمان والعافية وكفاية يوم واحد قوى تتيح للعقل النير أن يفكر في هدوء واستقامة تفكيرا قد يغير به مجرى التاريخ كله، بله حياة فرد واحد.
وبعض الناس يستهين بما أولاه الله من سلامة وطمأنينة في نفسه وأهله، وقد يزدري هذه الآلاء العظيمة، ويضخم آثار الحرمان من حظوظ الثروة ولبتمكين. وهذه الاستهانة غَمط للواقع ومتلفة للدين والدنيا.
إن الاكتفاء الذاتي، وحسن استغلال ما في اليد، ونبذ الاتكال على المُنى هي نواة العظمة النفسية وسر الانتصار على الظروف المُعنتة.
والذين لا يشكون الحرمان - لأنهم أوتوا الكثير - قلما ينتفعون بما أوتوا إذا هم فقدوا الطاقة النفسية على استغلال ما معهم والإفادة مما حولهم. هذه حقيقة يؤكدها النبي الكريم مطلع كل صباح فيقول: "ما طلعت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يُسمعان أهل الارض إلا الثقلين: يا أيها الناس، هلموا إلي ربكم، فإن ما قل وكفى خير مما كثر وألهى. ولا غربت شمس قط، إلا وبعث بجنبيها ملكان يناديان: اللهم عجل لمنفق خلفا وغجل لممسك تلفا".
على أن العيش في حدود اليوم لا يعني تجاهل المستقبل، أو ترك الإعداد له، فإن اهتمام المرء بغده وتفكيره فيه حصافة وعقل.
وهناك فرق بين الاهتمام بالمستقبل والاغتمام به، بين الاستعداد له والاستغراق فيه، بين التيقظ في استغلال اليوم الحاضر وبين التوجس المربك المحير مما قد يفد به الغد.
إن الاكتفاء الذاتي، وحسن استغلال ما في اليد، ونبذ الاتكال على المُنى هي نواة العظمة النفسية وسر الانتصار على الظروف المُعنتة.
والذين لا يشكون الحرمان - لأنهم أوتوا الكثير - قلما ينتفعون بما أوتوا إذا هم فقدوا الطاقة النفسية على استغلال ما معهم والإفادة مما حولهم. هذه حقيقة يؤكدها النبي الكريم مطلع كل صباح فيقول: "ما طلعت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يُسمعان أهل الارض إلا الثقلين: يا أيها الناس، هلموا إلي ربكم، فإن ما قل وكفى خير مما كثر وألهى. ولا غربت شمس قط، إلا وبعث بجنبيها ملكان يناديان: اللهم عجل لمنفق خلفا وغجل لممسك تلفا".
على أن العيش في حدود اليوم لا يعني تجاهل المستقبل، أو ترك الإعداد له، فإن اهتمام المرء بغده وتفكيره فيه حصافة وعقل.
وهناك فرق بين الاهتمام بالمستقبل والاغتمام به، بين الاستعداد له والاستغراق فيه، بين التيقظ في استغلال اليوم الحاضر وبين التوجس المربك المحير مما قد يفد به الغد.
من كتاب: جدد حياتك
للامام: محمد الغزالي
Friday, August 5, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
جدد حياتك
جدد حياتك
الرجل المقبل على الدنيا بعزيمة وصبر، لا تخضعه الظروف المحيطة به مهما ساءت، ولا تصرفه وفق هواها. إنه هو الذي يستفيد منها، ويحتفظ بخصائصه أمامها.
الحاضر القريب الماثل بين يديك، ونفسك التي بين جنبيك، والظروف الباسمة أو الكاحلة التي تلتف حواليك، هي وحدها الدعائم التي يتمخض عنها مستقبلك. فلا مكان للإبطاء أو انتظار، قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : "إن الله يبسط يده بالليل ليتوب مسئ النهار، ويبسط يده بالنهار ليتوب مسئ الليل".
ثم إن كل تأخير لإنقاذ منهج تجدد به حياتك، وتصلح به أعمالك لا يعنى لإ إطالة الفترة الكابية التي تبغى الخلاص منها، وبقاءك مهزوما أمام نوازع الهوى والتفريط.
ما أجمل أن يعيد الإنسان تنظيم نفسه بين الحين و الحين، و أن يرسل نظرات ناقدة في جوانبها ليتعرف عيوبها و آفاتها، و أن يرسم السياسات القصيرة المدى، و الطويلة المدى، ليتخلص من الهنات التي تزري به.
ألا تستحق النفس بعد كل مرحلة تقطعها من الحياة أن نعيد النظر فيما أصابها من غُنم أو غُرم؟ وأن نرجع إليها توازنها واعتدالها كلما رجتها الأزمات، وهزها العراك الدائب على ظهر الأرض في تلك الدنيا المائجة.
لا أدري لماذا لا يطير العباد إلى ربِّهم على أجنحةٍ من الشوق بدل أن يُساقوا إليه بسياط من الرهبة ؟! إنَّ الجهل بالله وبدينه هو عِلَّةُ هذا الشعور البارد، أو هذا الشعور النافر - بالتعبير الصحيح - ؛ مع أنَّ البشر لن يجدوا أبرَّ بهم ولا أحنَى عليهم من الله عز وجل.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
TEDxCairo - Fadel Soliman - Bread and Salt
Mr.Fadel Soliman speaks in TEDxCairo Resurrection 2011 about the Egyptian community and his idea for a better living between Muslims and Christians in Egypt
Friday, May 6, 2011
Jihad on Terrorism
"Jihad on Terrorism" is the title of a documentary movie produced by Bridges Foundation, to be part II of its "The Fog Is Lifting" series; after part I, "Islam in Brief" movie.
I've watched the full movie, and it's really one of those movies that changed a lot of my thoughts & information; specially that part about the terrorism history, and that not all terrorists are Muslims, and much more.
I'd recommend this move to anyone interested to know more about Terrorism & Jihad.
Update (On June, 1st, 2011):
I found this article reviewing the film. It's really an excellent film review. Check it here:
Friday, April 22, 2011
Favorite Movies Quotes (4)
The Pursuit of Happiness
Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Christopher Gardner
Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!". Christopher
Some things start out big, and some things start out small, very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all. Plio
Aladar: We're not meant to survive.
Baylene: Oh, yes we were! We're HERE, aren't we? And how DARE you waste that good fortune by simply giving up? Shame on you. Shame on you! SHAME on you! The worst of it is, you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed... that I still had a purpose... and do you know what? You were right. And I'm going to go on believing it. And I, for one, am not going to die here!
None of knows what changes, big or small, lie ahead. One thing is certain - our journey's not over. We can only hope that in some small way our time here will be remembered. Plio
Everything happens for a reason. Klaus Baudelaire
There's always something. Violet Baudelaire
Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Christopher Gardner
Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!". Christopher
DinosaurSome things start out big, and some things start out small, very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all. Plio
Aladar: We're not meant to survive.
Baylene: Oh, yes we were! We're HERE, aren't we? And how DARE you waste that good fortune by simply giving up? Shame on you. Shame on you! SHAME on you! The worst of it is, you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed... that I still had a purpose... and do you know what? You were right. And I'm going to go on believing it. And I, for one, am not going to die here!
None of knows what changes, big or small, lie ahead. One thing is certain - our journey's not over. We can only hope that in some small way our time here will be remembered. Plio
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Everything happens for a reason. Klaus Baudelaire
There's always something. Violet Baudelaire
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Not Of Islam!!
Been reading recently "Not Out Of Islam" by Shaikh Mohammad El-Ghazaly. I'd comment here about a quote that I really loved:
The shaikh supports his idea by those verses from the Quraan:ولنعلم أن الشخص الذي يسير في الحياة مسلوب الإرادة، ميت الفكر - لا لشئ، إلا لأن قدميه تخطوان في طريق مهدها الأقدمون - هو شخص ناء بفكره و إرادته عن الإسلام
Be aware of that person, who lives in life with neither a will, nor intellect - because of nothing but his foot are just following the ancients ways - he's outlying his own will and intellect from Islam!
"إِنَّہُمۡ أَلۡفَوۡاْ ءَابَآءَهُمۡ ضَآلِّينَ (٦٩) فَهُمۡ عَلَىٰٓ ءَاثَـٰرِهِمۡ يُہۡرَعُونَ (٧٠) وَلَقَدۡ ضَلَّ قَبۡلَهُمۡ أَڪۡثَرُ ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَ (٧١) وَلَقَدۡ أَرۡسَلۡنَا فِيہِم مُّنذِرِينَ (٧٢) فَٱنظُرۡ ڪَيۡفَ كَانَ عَـٰقِبَةُ ٱلۡمُنذَرِينَ (٧٣) إِلَّا عِبَادَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلۡمُخۡلَصِينَ (٧٤)" - الصافات
"They indeed found their fathers astray, (69) But they make haste (to follow) in their footsteps. (70) And verily most of the men of old went astray before them, (71) And verily We sent among them warners. (72) Then see the nature of the consequence for those warned, (73) Except the faithful servants of God (Allah) (74)" - Al-Ssaaffat
Well, by the end of 2010, and beginning of 2011, I was thinking, how possibly we're approaching the second decade of the 21 century, and there still ALL this ignorance & illiteracy in our world!!! Can't believe the number of fetal and horrible crimes committed by the name of Freedom, Democracy, and Religion!!
I don't (and won't) claim that I do have a solution. I really don't know what the possible solution is! However, questioning the basics, listening carefully, reading, analyzing, and thinking in different directions sometimes help a LOT!
Shaikh Hamza Yusuf explains what I mean here - specially the first minute of this video.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Revolution In Egypt!!! (6)
February, 11, 2011
The day with no word to describe..
The day Egypt won
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win."..
Thank You Allah..
I'm Your Hope
You are the hope for our globe
Don't give up nor despair
There's nothing you can't repair
You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls
Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth
I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth
بالقول والعمل ، أنتم الأمل
(With words and action, You are the hope)
سلمهم يارب، سلمهم يارب
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)
بالعلم والقلم ، يدفع الألم
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)
لا تنسني أنا ضميرك ، لا تؤذني أنا شبابك
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)
Composed and produced by: Sami Yusuf
Lyrics by: Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Revolution In Egypt!!! (2)
Dreams Of Revolution
I knew it! Everyone knew it! How it was before, won't be now, and forever!
Everything has changed now.. No more fear.. No more humiliation.. No more lies.. No more oppression.. Can't imagine that after all what we have been through this week, any single Egyptian will be afraid to say "NO!".. To be a corrupter, or pay for a corrupter.. To be positive.. and even proactive!
Loved a word that says:
الناس من خوف الذل في ذل، ومن خوف الفقر في فقر!!
People, from the fear of humiliation, are in humiliation; and from the fear of poverty, are in poverty!!
Maybe those who above 35s will find it a bit difficult to cope with that new atmosphere. But the very best is that the new generations will have much better chances :)
Won't pretend that I'm a super brave person. Most of the time I was really scared. I witnessed one of the most dreadful nights ever in my life. I now know how exactly the people in Gaza feel!!
One of those strange stuffs happened, is that almost all of my fiends (even Non-Egyptian & Non-Muslim) told me the same thing.. To "Have faith.. As it's really not controlled by us, we turn to Him, The Savior, The Preserver ".
O Allah, Show us the truth, and give us the strength to follow it..
Revolution In Egypt!!!
Chronicle Of Revolution
Since the beginning of this week, I'm trying to understand, analyze, and understand what's going on! No one ever ever imaged that what happened will ever happen!! Many times tried to write down what I'm feeling.. But I couldn't!
Since the beginning of this week, I'm trying to understand, analyze, and understand what's going on! No one ever ever imaged that what happened will ever happen!! Many times tried to write down what I'm feeling.. But I couldn't!
Well, my friend Aya helped a lot by forwarding me an e-mail from Prof. Mohammed El-Beltagy, a professor of Operations Research at our faculty. He just described what I'm feeling, and what thousands of thousands Egyptians are also feeling Now.
Special thanks for Dr. El-Beltagy for his generous to let me post it here :)
Recent events that have been going on Egypt have thrown many experts of-guard. People are still struggling to understand what is really happening. Even those how are now participating in it have difficulty articulating what this Revolution is about. What I endeavor to do here is but a humble attempt to shed some light on what it means and the events surrounding it.
One thing for sure, this revolution can not be summed up as being about the Muslim Brotherhood, economic justice, or political freedom. Something far more profound is going on. Something that I dare to say is wholly unprecedented in the history of Egypt and perhaps the history of the world.
It all started few weeks prior to the 25th of January, when I received a facebook event invitation from my younger cousin for a day of “revolution”. I though it silly and that those are organizing such events have no clue what revolutions are about. Little did I know.
In their deceleration of demands the “revolutionaries” asked for: setting up and implementing standards for minimum wage (they even declared that is should be EGP 1200 [about $210] per month), revoking the emergency law (Egypt has been in state of emergency for the past 30 years, and under that law anyone can be incarcerated without cause), and firing the police chief (a man notorious for his brutality and ultimately responsible for torture, injustice, and cover-ups).
Although I full heartily agreed with the last two demands, I found there first demand as very revealing of their naiveté. To my mind such minimum levels of income should be first studied by able economist, who would gauge their impact on the economy and see if such a level is feasible. I dismissed it as plan silly, and warned my cousin not to attend. I lectured him on the difference between a revolution and a demonstration and warned that large gatherings are potentially dangerous. My biggest fear at the time was that the Muslim Brotherhood might exploit to it to do something very damaging to stability and security of the country and that violence may ensue. I was very fearful for their safety.
A miracle happened on the January 25th that shook me very profoundly. Coming from an upper class background with plenty of “connections” to the rich and powerful, being well traveled with many friends Europe and United Sates, and with a relatively secular outlook, I was living in one of many cultural bubbles that have come to characterize Egyptian society in recent year. That social and culture fragmentation has been picking up pace recently and seemed congruent with economic growth. Suddenly all of these bubbles were burst and the barriers were removed. A certain bond was realized, a bound that must have been always there but we didn't know it.
We were experiencing ourselves for first time as Egyptians. That nature of that bond can not be put in rational terms, whatever I say now it is but a poor attempt to describe the feeling that I had.
There was a birth of new realization that Egypt is much more than our country of residence, or a national soccer team that we cheer for in international events. Egypt is being resurrected again through us, Egypt is now experienced as a living being, and we are but elements in it's living consciousness. The spirit of Egypt lives and we are part of it.
This is something that I felt through what my cousins relayed to me and many others who took part in the demonstration. That spirit wants to be free, it wants to grow and break the shackles of tyranny. For the first time people from all walks of life were discovering profound sympathy and love for each other. The Marxist was feeling a strong bond with the Islamist, the intellectual with the poor illiterate, and the millionaire to the pauper. There were no culture wars, the fragmentation and distance was no more.
That spirit was making its presence felt and the consciousness was still struggling with a language to express itself. What started out as a “revolution” on facebook turned out to be a Revolution of the spirit of the land, with no ideology or definite leadership.
Having felt glimpses of that, I wanted to taste and experience it first hand and I went out on the January 28 demonstration. I saw people from all walks of life and different age groups marching together. I saw whole families walk together in a festive atmosphere. That was until we encountered the vicious security forces, who were adamant on dispersing the rally.
We braved a barrage of rubber bullets under a cloud of tear gas, the police didn't show the slightest hint of concern for our safety. Although the demonstrators would cry out “selmia” (meaning we are “peaceful”), the security forces would fire rubber bullets on the protesters. I have saw many youth and even an old lady with ghastly head wounds.
I witnessed fear and panic, but for the most part the protesters kept driving forward. That courage was a thing of beauty, they are crying out for freedom from tyranny, they were reaching out to hope and their determination was solid.
Much later on that day one of the largest state security apparatus in the middle east and Africa disappeared. People were left to fend for themselves and as if by magic or coincidences thousands of hardened criminals managed to escape prison. With an internet blackout and the absence of security, fear and panic was palpable in every home.
At that point it was well know that economy has come to a grinding halt. The government then started a vicious campaign in government run media that portrayed the anti-government protesters as responsible for their hardship. That campaign at some point shied from calling the protesters criminals but it was giving many hints that there actions were destroying the country. This was combined with fuel shortages and food shortages. There was mass looting going on and that was also blamed on the protesters.
My impression is that it was the National Democratic Party thugs who were responsible... it is no secrete that there are many thousands of those, but up to this point they were put to use to intimidate government opposition.
Things were getting desperate in the next few days and many were gripped with fear and a desire to return to normalcy. Many people were bleary eyed and tired from having to do neighborhood watch. Everybody felt that they could not go on like that much longer. This situation was even more critical for the many Egyptians who earn their living through daily wage. Those have no reserves or savings and their children must have been starting to grow hungry. Dread and fear was thick in the air, and for many that sense of isolation was growing. Not just isolation from the outside world due an Internet blackout, but also from each other.
Whole neighborhoods were locked down and only neighborhood residence were not allowed passage during curfew hours, which ran daily from 3pm to 8am. Fragmentation was on the rise again.
Word spread that on the first of February there will be a million person march to Tahrir square. The government orchestrated a campaign of fear and fragmentation did not deter the protester from showing on that day. That is despite the fact that many were still fearful for their family and property. Many criminals are still out of the loose. Yet after a massive show up and cries for “the people want bring down the president” rocked the whole of Tahrir square, that voice seemed unheard to Mubark and his coterie.
Later in the day he made that announcement that he will not be running for another term, that was too little and too late for the protesters. Mubarak had at this point due to the security vacuum and slow action proven untrustworthy and not fit to rule if one were to describe it in generously. The consensus however amongst those in Tahrir is that he is criminal thug of the worst kind.
My view was that this man is determined to maintain his grip on power, even if it mean the total destruction of his country. However, many Egyptians who had not witnessed first hand the spirit and events on the 25th and 28th of January were at that point in time scared and starved into submission, for them the return to “normalcy” was paramount.
Moreover, some of those who were not directly involved felt that this was a significant achievement and we should just stop here and deal with the rest through other political methods. Their fear made them lose sight of the fact that it was Mubark who ordered a telecommunication black out, it was Mubarak or his police chief who was responsible for the security breakout and the loss of life and limb during the demonstration. It was his tyrannical arrogance and gross inhumanity to the death of many of Egypt's finest youth that outraged the protesters the most.
He made no apology, not even a hint, and not a promises that those responsible will be held accountable. He had proven completely untrustworthy to the protesters, and we were determined to stay in Tahrir until Mubarak leaves. The Egyptian government media and even most privately owned ones started to present the view that the protesters had achieved a great deal of what they had wanted and that further protest at Tahrir would only send the country into chaos. They blamed all the hunger and fear they have been experiencing on the protesters.
Furthermore Mubark made a statement that brought several Egyptians to tears. Here was an elderly president reminding Egyptian of his services to the country through times of war and peace and telling that he intends to die in his country and never flee it. Mubark has for many years maintained a father figure status amongst many Egyptians and few would doubt that he has indeed done good things for the country, and there was a complex love-fear-hate relationship that he had with his people. A feeling grew amongst many Egyptians that such a man was worthy of more dignified exit than the president of Tunisia. That feeling was not shared by those who experience first hand the demonstration on the 28th and saw many of their “brothers” maimed or killed for freedom.
Freedom to us is none negotiable, Mubark has shown his true face as a tyrant and there was no doubting his phony democracy.
We held our ground at Tahrir and we were adamant that our demands must be met. When I joined them on the following day, it was clear that their numbers have dwindled. Many, it seemed could not stomach further disruption to normalcy. Many had to go out and work to feed their families. It was a very sad sight with a great deal of tension in the air.
The National Democratic Party started to slip in agents into Tahrir to play on the protester fears. Many had a sad countenance, fearing the loss of the spirit that they managed to bring about. The protester had heard the Mubarak's people are organizing a demonstration to support him that will be marching to Tahrir square, we were determined to hold our Revolution to the highest ideals and no let any weapon into Tahrir. We were often chanting “selmia” in reference to our desire to keep it peaceful.
Around noon we were attacked from several sides by the pro-Mubarak protesters. It was a vicious and organized attack, something that was cleary planned. In the beginning we tried to simply push the pro-Mubarak protesters away and then many fell under a hail of rocks. It is clear that the pro-Mubarak protesters were going the way of violence.
That noble flame and spirit of the revolution was fading away. The dream was almost dying. Just when all seemed lost, the noble posters had to resort to violence for self defense. It was sad to see a peaceful and innocent protest turn very violent in the face of thuggery. We held strong against armies of payed thugs and members of Mubark's police force in plain clothes.
This Revolution is NOT about politics. It does not have an agenda or an ideology. It is about the awakening of a new spirit in Egypt. For it to grow it must breath the clean and fresh air of freedom. When it is born it was gasping for air and had hence to almost instinctively, as a baby would, try to remove the dirty old rag of pseudo-democracy and tyranny from its face.
I pray that the beautiful spirit will survive with minimum scars after the violence on the 2nd and 3rd of February.
Mohammed El-Beltagy
The writer is a professor of Operations Research at Cairo University and co-founder of Peerialism, a Stockholm based Software company
Special thanks for Dr. El-Beltagy for his generous to let me post it here :)
Recent events that have been going on Egypt have thrown many experts of-guard. People are still struggling to understand what is really happening. Even those how are now participating in it have difficulty articulating what this Revolution is about. What I endeavor to do here is but a humble attempt to shed some light on what it means and the events surrounding it.
One thing for sure, this revolution can not be summed up as being about the Muslim Brotherhood, economic justice, or political freedom. Something far more profound is going on. Something that I dare to say is wholly unprecedented in the history of Egypt and perhaps the history of the world.
It all started few weeks prior to the 25th of January, when I received a facebook event invitation from my younger cousin for a day of “revolution”. I though it silly and that those are organizing such events have no clue what revolutions are about. Little did I know.
In their deceleration of demands the “revolutionaries” asked for: setting up and implementing standards for minimum wage (they even declared that is should be EGP 1200 [about $210] per month), revoking the emergency law (Egypt has been in state of emergency for the past 30 years, and under that law anyone can be incarcerated without cause), and firing the police chief (a man notorious for his brutality and ultimately responsible for torture, injustice, and cover-ups).
Although I full heartily agreed with the last two demands, I found there first demand as very revealing of their naiveté. To my mind such minimum levels of income should be first studied by able economist, who would gauge their impact on the economy and see if such a level is feasible. I dismissed it as plan silly, and warned my cousin not to attend. I lectured him on the difference between a revolution and a demonstration and warned that large gatherings are potentially dangerous. My biggest fear at the time was that the Muslim Brotherhood might exploit to it to do something very damaging to stability and security of the country and that violence may ensue. I was very fearful for their safety.
A miracle happened on the January 25th that shook me very profoundly. Coming from an upper class background with plenty of “connections” to the rich and powerful, being well traveled with many friends Europe and United Sates, and with a relatively secular outlook, I was living in one of many cultural bubbles that have come to characterize Egyptian society in recent year. That social and culture fragmentation has been picking up pace recently and seemed congruent with economic growth. Suddenly all of these bubbles were burst and the barriers were removed. A certain bond was realized, a bound that must have been always there but we didn't know it.
We were experiencing ourselves for first time as Egyptians. That nature of that bond can not be put in rational terms, whatever I say now it is but a poor attempt to describe the feeling that I had.
There was a birth of new realization that Egypt is much more than our country of residence, or a national soccer team that we cheer for in international events. Egypt is being resurrected again through us, Egypt is now experienced as a living being, and we are but elements in it's living consciousness. The spirit of Egypt lives and we are part of it.
This is something that I felt through what my cousins relayed to me and many others who took part in the demonstration. That spirit wants to be free, it wants to grow and break the shackles of tyranny. For the first time people from all walks of life were discovering profound sympathy and love for each other. The Marxist was feeling a strong bond with the Islamist, the intellectual with the poor illiterate, and the millionaire to the pauper. There were no culture wars, the fragmentation and distance was no more.
That spirit was making its presence felt and the consciousness was still struggling with a language to express itself. What started out as a “revolution” on facebook turned out to be a Revolution of the spirit of the land, with no ideology or definite leadership.
Having felt glimpses of that, I wanted to taste and experience it first hand and I went out on the January 28 demonstration. I saw people from all walks of life and different age groups marching together. I saw whole families walk together in a festive atmosphere. That was until we encountered the vicious security forces, who were adamant on dispersing the rally.
We braved a barrage of rubber bullets under a cloud of tear gas, the police didn't show the slightest hint of concern for our safety. Although the demonstrators would cry out “selmia” (meaning we are “peaceful”), the security forces would fire rubber bullets on the protesters. I have saw many youth and even an old lady with ghastly head wounds.
I witnessed fear and panic, but for the most part the protesters kept driving forward. That courage was a thing of beauty, they are crying out for freedom from tyranny, they were reaching out to hope and their determination was solid.
Much later on that day one of the largest state security apparatus in the middle east and Africa disappeared. People were left to fend for themselves and as if by magic or coincidences thousands of hardened criminals managed to escape prison. With an internet blackout and the absence of security, fear and panic was palpable in every home.
At that point it was well know that economy has come to a grinding halt. The government then started a vicious campaign in government run media that portrayed the anti-government protesters as responsible for their hardship. That campaign at some point shied from calling the protesters criminals but it was giving many hints that there actions were destroying the country. This was combined with fuel shortages and food shortages. There was mass looting going on and that was also blamed on the protesters.
My impression is that it was the National Democratic Party thugs who were responsible... it is no secrete that there are many thousands of those, but up to this point they were put to use to intimidate government opposition.
Things were getting desperate in the next few days and many were gripped with fear and a desire to return to normalcy. Many people were bleary eyed and tired from having to do neighborhood watch. Everybody felt that they could not go on like that much longer. This situation was even more critical for the many Egyptians who earn their living through daily wage. Those have no reserves or savings and their children must have been starting to grow hungry. Dread and fear was thick in the air, and for many that sense of isolation was growing. Not just isolation from the outside world due an Internet blackout, but also from each other.
Whole neighborhoods were locked down and only neighborhood residence were not allowed passage during curfew hours, which ran daily from 3pm to 8am. Fragmentation was on the rise again.
Word spread that on the first of February there will be a million person march to Tahrir square. The government orchestrated a campaign of fear and fragmentation did not deter the protester from showing on that day. That is despite the fact that many were still fearful for their family and property. Many criminals are still out of the loose. Yet after a massive show up and cries for “the people want bring down the president” rocked the whole of Tahrir square, that voice seemed unheard to Mubark and his coterie.
Later in the day he made that announcement that he will not be running for another term, that was too little and too late for the protesters. Mubarak had at this point due to the security vacuum and slow action proven untrustworthy and not fit to rule if one were to describe it in generously. The consensus however amongst those in Tahrir is that he is criminal thug of the worst kind.
My view was that this man is determined to maintain his grip on power, even if it mean the total destruction of his country. However, many Egyptians who had not witnessed first hand the spirit and events on the 25th and 28th of January were at that point in time scared and starved into submission, for them the return to “normalcy” was paramount.
Moreover, some of those who were not directly involved felt that this was a significant achievement and we should just stop here and deal with the rest through other political methods. Their fear made them lose sight of the fact that it was Mubark who ordered a telecommunication black out, it was Mubarak or his police chief who was responsible for the security breakout and the loss of life and limb during the demonstration. It was his tyrannical arrogance and gross inhumanity to the death of many of Egypt's finest youth that outraged the protesters the most.
He made no apology, not even a hint, and not a promises that those responsible will be held accountable. He had proven completely untrustworthy to the protesters, and we were determined to stay in Tahrir until Mubarak leaves. The Egyptian government media and even most privately owned ones started to present the view that the protesters had achieved a great deal of what they had wanted and that further protest at Tahrir would only send the country into chaos. They blamed all the hunger and fear they have been experiencing on the protesters.
Furthermore Mubark made a statement that brought several Egyptians to tears. Here was an elderly president reminding Egyptian of his services to the country through times of war and peace and telling that he intends to die in his country and never flee it. Mubark has for many years maintained a father figure status amongst many Egyptians and few would doubt that he has indeed done good things for the country, and there was a complex love-fear-hate relationship that he had with his people. A feeling grew amongst many Egyptians that such a man was worthy of more dignified exit than the president of Tunisia. That feeling was not shared by those who experience first hand the demonstration on the 28th and saw many of their “brothers” maimed or killed for freedom.
Freedom to us is none negotiable, Mubark has shown his true face as a tyrant and there was no doubting his phony democracy.
We held our ground at Tahrir and we were adamant that our demands must be met. When I joined them on the following day, it was clear that their numbers have dwindled. Many, it seemed could not stomach further disruption to normalcy. Many had to go out and work to feed their families. It was a very sad sight with a great deal of tension in the air.
The National Democratic Party started to slip in agents into Tahrir to play on the protester fears. Many had a sad countenance, fearing the loss of the spirit that they managed to bring about. The protester had heard the Mubarak's people are organizing a demonstration to support him that will be marching to Tahrir square, we were determined to hold our Revolution to the highest ideals and no let any weapon into Tahrir. We were often chanting “selmia” in reference to our desire to keep it peaceful.
Around noon we were attacked from several sides by the pro-Mubarak protesters. It was a vicious and organized attack, something that was cleary planned. In the beginning we tried to simply push the pro-Mubarak protesters away and then many fell under a hail of rocks. It is clear that the pro-Mubarak protesters were going the way of violence.
That noble flame and spirit of the revolution was fading away. The dream was almost dying. Just when all seemed lost, the noble posters had to resort to violence for self defense. It was sad to see a peaceful and innocent protest turn very violent in the face of thuggery. We held strong against armies of payed thugs and members of Mubark's police force in plain clothes.
This Revolution is NOT about politics. It does not have an agenda or an ideology. It is about the awakening of a new spirit in Egypt. For it to grow it must breath the clean and fresh air of freedom. When it is born it was gasping for air and had hence to almost instinctively, as a baby would, try to remove the dirty old rag of pseudo-democracy and tyranny from its face.
I pray that the beautiful spirit will survive with minimum scars after the violence on the 2nd and 3rd of February.
Mohammed El-Beltagy
The writer is a professor of Operations Research at Cairo University and co-founder of Peerialism, a Stockholm based Software company
Friday, January 21, 2011
هِيلاَ هِيلاَ يا مَطَرْ
Seems that rain is a source of inspiration to many people around the world, and not only me! .. It was raining here in Cairo this week, and this time I didn't miss it :D..
That was enough to cheer me up again (regardless of those *comic* stuff we hear or see in the news these days).. Cause, yes, it's true that after every rainfall must come a rainbow :)..
O Allah! Show us the truth, and give us the strength to follow it..
هِيلاَ هِيلاَ يا مَطَرْ
اِغْسِلي اوْراق الشَجَرْ
الحُلْم مثْل الوَرْد يكْبَرْ
والهِلالْ يصْبَحْ قَمَرْ
اُدْخُلِي بِيُوت القَصَبْ
واسْقِي أزْهار الغَضَبْ
وخَبِّرِي دَمْعِةْ بِلادِي
إنّ ماسِحْهَا حَضَرْ
قَطْرةْ قطْرَة عَ الدُرُوبْ
غَنِّي لِعْطَش القُلُوبْ
وما تْخافِي السَحابْ يا حرة
الصَفْو مِنْ بَعْد الكدَرْ
ضُمِّينِي وبِلِّي لِي رِيقِي
وغَطِّي بِلْحافِكْ رَفِيقِي
مَهْمَا عَثَّرْنِي طَرِيقِي
المَسِيرَةْ تَسْتمرّ
Come down O Rain!
Wash the trees' leaves
A dream - just like a rose - grows
And the crescent becomes a full moon
Enter the huts and shanty towns
And water the flowers of anger
And inform my country's tears
That the one who is going to wipe them has arrived
Drop by drop on the paths
Sing for the hearts' thirst
And do not fear the clouds O free land
Good times always follow the bad ones
Embrace me and quench my thirst
And cover with your blanket my companion
No matter how many times I fall
The journey will continue
Song by: Hamza Namira
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