Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Window To The World

On my way from home to college, I pass on a bridge connects the Outostrad Road with El-Abageya Region (it’s 5 minutes far from Lady Aicha’s Square). When the car be on that bridge, you can see the famous Cairo Citadel, laying on a peek of high hell, directly in front of you. So it appears higher than all the area around it.

At the same time, if you turned to your left, and the weather was clear, you would be able to see the Giza Pyramids very clearly from your position on the bridge too.

This view generated a thought in my mind that I’d like to share it with you :)

The citadel has been used to symbolize the Islamic civilization in Egypt. It has been built by Salah El-Din El-Ayouby at one of the greatest periods of the Islamic history. On the other hand, the pyramids also have been used to symbolize the Ancient Egyptian civilization, that have been built millions years ago in Egypt.

So, it’s obvious, that anyone can have a clear look at the pyramids (a symbol of the Faro civilization) from inside the citadel itself (the symbol of the Islamic civilization). And that implies, if we removed the symbolic words:
“Anyone can have a clear look at the Faro civilization from inside the Islamic civilization itself”.

And to make it more precise:
“Anyone can have a good view at the other civilization from inside the Islamic civilization itself”.

That’s a truth, Islam’s teachings motivate Muslims to have a look at the other non-Islamic cultures and civilizations. True Muslims should see, hear, read, learn, interact, and respect any kind of cultures. They take what has good value that doesn’t contradict with Islamic main principles, and they neglect otherwise.
Many situations in our Islamic history proves my words. Take for example the Prophet Muhammad’s -PBUH- words when he said:

" الحكمة ضالة المؤمن، أينما يجدها فهو أولى بها"

And once He –PBUH- asked one of his companions to learn the Jewish language, in order to have a better communication between Muslims and Jewish people in Madiana.

Also Allah – Subhanu wa Talaa – said in the Quran:

"يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا ..."

However, before opening your window (as a Muslim) on the other world culture, you have to be in your own “citadel”. Your “citadel” is your “faith”. Your deep faith in your God – subhanu wa Tala – with well understanding of our own culture and main principals. Cause the main aim of it all is to get more knowledge and experiences that allow us to do our mission on this earth as trustees, NOT to miss you identity.
And do Not forget the rest of the verse:

" ... إن أكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم إن الله عليم خبير"

Thus, for my, Islam is my window to the whole world :)

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